Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Done with men...for now

So Monday I had a date with Brad. He seemed like a really nice guy, except that he showed up late. He did text me to tell me that yes he would be 25 minutes late... 45 minutes later we met. Why did I put up with that? I don't know, because part of me is a hardcore romantic and maybe just maybe if I do this than just maybe I'll meet the Man of my dreams. Perhaps, if I didn't take a chance I would be missing out?

Live with no regrets right? How does one know if they are making a regret or not? Isn't a regret only after the fact?

Anyway so Brad showed up. We talked, he was quiet, and he told me about his fascination with colouring books at the age of 34. I never thought I would find a man who loved to still go home and colour. Usually I would be excited to find a guy who is still a kid at heart at that age, but then I remember my ex and I've come to wonder why am I settling for guys who aren't grown up yet.

Sure you can say but wait, are you fully into the claws of adulthood, the woman who preaches never lose that child at heart. Yes I'm fully aware of that. However, there comes the point when you get tired of boys who still play Peter Pan and you want a real man to come and sweep you off your feet, or maybe you just need no guy but a pet.

Maybe I'm tired of wanting to be in a relationship and working to maintain a relationship when the guys don't even want to work on one. Maybe I'm tired of always being unselfish and giving up more of my self, my life, my time for men who neither appreciate or understand the sacrafice. Maybe I'm actually getting sick of dating Mr. Wrong who happens to be there.

I just want to come home and be appreciated, be loved for who I am. I don't need a man, I need a pet.

So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to get myself a pet. I always thought I wanted children, a house and a husband, but what if life only gives you none of these and you're left to make your own happiness?

Right now, maybe I'm not the woman I've always imagined myself to be. Maybe I need to become that woman and work on being her for a while.

Loving her.

I'm going to the pet store this weekend and getting myself a pet.


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