Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Why is it that when life is happening it feels like a whirl wind?

Ah the mystery of life. No one can understand it except God the creator. Some days you know it's going to be a interesting day when you wake up to the voice of your dad yelling at you to tell you that your optometrist is on the phone only to get you out of bed early. Oh alright not so early in the morning but when you are sleeping in on a Saturday any disturbance to your pattern of sleep is early.

So I started my day cranky but that's only because I was never born a morning person. Now I will never be a morning person even though I have been trying to become one for the past few years. My brain just wants to awake like the patterns of our hamster Tom Tom who believes night is day and day is night. So there fore it refuses to allow me to be pleasant the first 10-20 minutes of starting my day. It also has a very bad habit of kicking in with a ton of creative juice when the normal world knows it's time to turn in for the night.

What exactly have I been up to these days? Well everything and nothing. Everything because my life seems to have no slow motion button and has been traveling around me like Circus Joe. In other words my life has been a circus but rather normal like Joe. What I mean is that it is pretty normal for my life to be a Circus. Well that's done rather nicely. So what is on the tube? Well I have been quite interested in a few t.v. series as of late, from repeats of outer limits, to the Gilmore girls, to CSI and to Veronica Mars. I find the story lines interesting as I try to solve the characters problems and outcomes.

During the day I am ever in the soap opera of my job situation until recently when my sister has helped me put my foot in the door of a temporary job which is closer to my own field training.
I have been working on my resumes and looking into finding something to do between the working hours and the time I get sleep, though I have been writing and reorganizing my room into a more cleaner place.....I don't know how it will get cleaner but it's my obsessive compulsive behavior that makes me want to keep things in order. So I have been redoing a lot of things to make it more perfect.

Other than that, I am thinking about taking a language class, or a class in theatre to prepare me for school next year.

So that's life by the book!

Miss Mae, Miss Me not.


Blogger Rachel LeAnn said...

Speaking of overachievers and overworkers, looks like we both have taken a leaf from each other's books. Don't work too hard, but find a few things you like to do. Not should do. But work some, and then take a fun class or something. Or spend the morning job hunting, work, quilt, make candles, clean and decorate, clean up after cats, read until 2, start over again. That's my version.

10:21 PM  

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