Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Life is built on the choices we make

Standing over the edge of life's pool of choices. I think if I knew which one to pick I would be a happy person. The problem with the amount of choices is that your dreams then are endless. I think sooner or later I got to make a choice. The problem is the what if I picked the wrong one and then you regret your choice. I don't want to live life like that. I want to be able to say that I live life with no regrets. I guess though you will always some how have some small bit of regret.

So as I reply to e-mails and letters I look at my own life. One of the questions that need an answer too is what am I going to do with the time given to me. Choices, there are so many. I know of a person I met during my travels who is only going back to school at the age of 25. She has lived a great life though and then I look at my friends from highschool who are now struggling to find some sort of employment as they have to pay off the school debt from 4 years of education.

As I seek wisdom on this matter I wonder has my life been a mess up since highschool or have I made the most of my time since then. Some people look at me and said that I have wasted my life so far, they are people who still view the old way of living as the only way of living. People in my age group and some of my mentors say that I have made more than most people my age have done with their lives.

In truth, I look at my life and only regret a few things in which I still have time to make it up. One of them was I wish I had spent two more years changing my diploma into a degree only because a degree is what is required to teach English overseas as a tentmaker. Second of them is that I wish I had spent more time working on building my relationships. Being away from home and having limited access to e-mail and the cost of phone calls has put a strain on my relationships. However this just proved to me which friends were my real friends over time as they invested their time to keep in contact with me even while I was in a distant city, country etc.

So how was my day? Well I spent today driving, as I am trying to retake the test to get my drivers. I also worked a little on my novel and wrote some letters. It's hard to find people who are willing to spend the time writing letters. It is so much thoughtful than e-mails since you actually have to put more energy into it.

Tomorrow, I will go to work and then off to help the kid fellowship at my church. Then hooray for the weekend. I have to call a few friends up and work some more on my novel as well as catch up on some reading.

Ta ta for now.
Mae Day


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