Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It's been busy....long day

There are many things to do in life. Some of them aren't worth doing. To update you on how my past few days were spent here it is.

On Tuesday this week, I gathered all the might in my body to get myself up at the butt crack of dawn. This being after a painfully restless night awakened after an hour after I had retired for the night. My cousin who haven't seen in 4 months came to drop his younger brother off and thought that it might be an interest of mine to see him that very night. So after my heart had returned to my body I got out of bed and greeted him with a snarl. After all who likes to be awoken right after you have gone to sleep. Needless to say I appreciated his thoughts of wanting to see me and by the time I said good bye I was not as snarly as I started out to be.

Anyway the reason I had to get up at 6:00am was the reason that I decided to take the bus down to my job. I took the bus and arrived early, 40 mins early. So I stayed outside and read for 10 mins before meandering inside the building, only to find out that there was nothing for me to do. So for half an hour I was wandering around the office trying to entertain myself.

The day was a little hectic as the patients came in and out. I survived that day. It felt good because I felt I got to help some people that day and not just be a filebot.
file bot: one who's life purpose is to replace the robot in filing items over and over again.

So that night I slept a little better.

The following Wednesday I was busy and trying to get into the groove of things. The day past by but after work took forever. The process of me getting home, and all the news from the day filled my head giving me a lot to think about. The thing that made me really feel alive was the fact that I got to hang with my sister that night. We went shopping and just had a lot of fun. That's one of the reasons I missed home. I missed hanging with my sisters.

Now we are updated to Thursday. I got to work early. The best part of my day was sitting by the river and praying to God. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to pray for because without wisdom, you are living life foolishly.

Anyway that's my day. I can't say the rest of the day was eventful but this part of my day was.

Living the day with God at my side.
Miss Mae


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