Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Home is not home...well at least to me

Call it post tour blues but I have it, what ever that it is suppose to be. I feel restless like I shouldn't be at home. Home is not really home since my family is getting on my nerves or it could be the high altitude that is causing me to have massive headaches and causes me to be more moody than usual.

If I was an older woman, I would blame it on menopause but I am not that old yet. Do you ever get the feeling that the average lifestyle you were suppose to have because everyone else had it, is not really for you?

It's only been 3 days now and at the 2 days and 3hrs I was pestered with the question by my dad of what am I going to do now that I am home. Call it Joan of Ark syndrome but I don't intend to be burnt at the stake this time. It's like the saying goes distant makes the heart grow fonder. In order for me to appreciate my crazy family I need to move far far away and I am not talking driving distance. So what am I going to do?

Well I know I don't want to stay here forever. Already I am looking into another program that will take me away from here. I should just start boxing my stuff up at this rate. I want to go to school to get something of an education so I can make a decent living for myself, for all I know I am not about to let some prince come rescue me on a white horse and make me live at home to take care of the children. I mean that's not a bad dream, but it's just not me at the moment. I need to discover myself in this world and if Mr. Right shows up well that's just tooting dandy. As for the moment I have me...I don't even have 2 cats like some lucky people ;) I know. I have a fish but it's in joint custody with my sister and he's partially dead. Poor fish, I can't even flush him down the toilet due to my sisters love for him.

As for my life, I should start work soon. I have a job lined up but some how I am dreading it. I mean not the work itself, I think it will be fun to do the job but more so the idea of being in a box all day and never seeing the outside world. No more adventures for at least a year I keep telling myself. I am the kinda person that won't stay in one place for a long time when I know that there is a world of possibilities. So I am stuck here. Stuck in a rut......

AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME NOWahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Okay so I am being a little melodramatic but seriously I got to have something to keep me busy and that adds to my already adventure driven life.

MIA MAE (Missing in Action Mae)


Blogger Rachel LeAnn said...

Some lucky people had to pull apart the entertainment center to get one of her cats out from behind it... Count you blessings!

4:31 PM  
Blogger Miss Mae said...

When did that happen? :) Hopefully it was a small entertainment center.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Rachel LeAnn said...

Yesterday. And this morning, I had to clean up a half devoured small bird carcass out of my room. Ah the joys of cat ownership.

3:22 PM  

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