Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

My Photo
Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Toasty Brown....and a side order of Sun Burn

Well it's been a while. The buzz of the group has settled down as we returned from our days off and back into our work week. With 13 other strangers, it's hard to sit back and just escape the noise for a while but we manage. Even on our off days we are a "we", as the caravan gathers to play beach volley ball on the the beautiful Santa Barbara beach. The sand is clean today and the beach is radiant as we headed out for some fun in the sun.

The first thing I go for is not the nets of the volley court, but I run where any normal praire dog would run. Straight toward the ocean. Man did that feel good as the waves rushed up against my body. I was in paradise. I couldn't ask for a better day off. I spent most of my time, thinking on the beach about the story I am putting together for my devotion for our daily devotion time. I also ponder and try not to get too carried away of thoughts of this guy that I thought was cute and had potiential. However being realistic, I know I will never see this handsome almond eye guy ever again. That's what happens on the road....you could meet a potiential but you know even if he is the right guy for you fate has a funny way of waking you up and telling you "it's not going to happen!" Fate is a very humorous character in the book of life.

So anyway after the full day of volley ball and beach courts, I enjoyed the sun and stripped down to my bathing suit. Forgetting that there was no sun screen on my back, I burnt my back into a wonderful sun burn. I never had to deal with that before. Commenting this to my tour manager while in our billets hot tub, she said "well that's cause you don't get that much sun in Canada". Well not true, I sure don't go sun tanning much in my city cause it's not much of a season. Plus if you are from Arkansas you tend to tan more being in the south.

To wrap up the wonderful day at the beach I was happy to say that I got to go out to a nice restraunt and eat till my belly was well rounded. Funny thing about the relaxing day, I didn't gain weight but lost 5 pounds in the past few days. Hahaha that's what you get for having a good running youthful system. Wait till it all catches up and I balloon......

Anyway the next day I went to Solvang, but spent my day in Santa Barbara but that too was a great day as I returned to a wonderful hot tub. One of the benefits of going to Santa Barbara was that I managed to find, after months of searching, a journal with blank and rule pages. It's terribly hard to come by. You are either left with blank or just rule pages. I almost want to create a journal that's suited to my needs and make a business out of it. I am sure others are out there who want a journal like that. So I was pleased with my findings, now I can put my pictures, or sketches of my next big travel adventure.

And finally, today I spent my time wastefully relaxing in the hot tube and treated myself to a facial and a hair treatment. Today was a pamper me day. I am preparing my body for the next show where I will be tossed around like the waves on the ocean floor. I really should stop tanning cause I have become browner than toast should be or at least how I eat toast. My stage makeup finally matches me and doesn't pop my face out on stage. This however is probably not too great for my skin for when I am older I am sure to feel the results of destroying my skin. Pleasure now....pay for it later.

So with one more month left of tour, I have to say that I have really enjoyed my compaions. They are amazing people....sometimes the boys are imature but I still love them very much like brothers that are not always wanted. I will miss all of my sisters and brothers once this month is up but I am ready to go home and see my family.

Ok well I am ready to hit the hay. California dreaming.

I am out.
Talk ta later,
Adventures of Miss Mae


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