Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Greater than Me

Well it was a long day to an equally long start. We left Mocks Cres at the crack of dawn or at least hoping to leave at 7:00am. However with the way things played out we left just prior to 8:30 am. A very usual day of tour, some things gotta break, something gotta happen or it would be not normal. As a missionary, always expect the unexpected and be flexible to any circumstance.
So for the most of the first drive, I slept in the van while I didn't have co-pilot duties. That was interesting sleeping upward but I managed. As I said as a missionary you need to be flexible.
Other than that we arrived in California safely. The sunshine made my heart jump out. I laughed today at the fact that I wasn't the first one that had to really go to the washroom today. Although my wonderful team mate tried to convince my group other wise. It was funny, I guess you really have to know me and know the weird situations I am always in.

So we took the scenic view on 101 South. This was the perfect day for that. After leaving rainy Oregon and entering Sunny California it was great. The ocean to the side of us was a complete heart stopper. The waves climbed the rocks as it almost was reaching out to the heavens. The water was so green and the white foam cascaded over the white sand. This was the side I was one while my driver didn't have the window side view.

On the drivers side and at some parts of the drive, surrounding our travels was the great Red woods of California. It was something to admire as we traveled right through it. I told my driver Johnny that "Wow, to think just how wonderful and old these trees are. They have been here longer than us and they are still standing tall." I imagine God looking down at me and smiling because I was appreciating His gift of natural beauty and splendor. Something in my heart jumped up and was in love with my creator that created these wonderful beautiful trees. They were strong and tall, and were pleasantly coloured green with fresh life emitting from them. But near their trunks they had seen hard times as they wore the marks of a solider in battle. To see what they must have had to withstand to get to the stage they were at reminded me a lot of our Christian walk with God.

We start out as young children of God with our innocence and joy of life. We haven't experience the troubles that life brings and we are quite naive. Then along our path we start to see life as a mundane task in which we want out of this prison. We look around the box on the four corners but we never bother to look up for a way out. Some of us will experience the hardships that take us where we are today if only we can figure out that by looking to the one who has made a way to climb out only then will we ever get out of the box stronger and more full of life. Others won't even make it for next spring. But those who do, God showers them with glory. Just like the great trees in the Red wood forest. The trunks though weathered, were strong, and bold and beautiful.

During this magnificent ride we were listening to Rebecca St. James song, and it talked about the ocean as we past a very wonderful view of it. My heart leaped and it reminded me of the day trip in B.C. forest of Canada talking to my friend Hanna and remembering my friend Tyson who wanted to see these big red trees.

It's funny, you can see God just watching His children enjoy the world that He created for them. And by this we end up worshiping the one who created us and falling deeper in love with our first love...Jesus Christ.

So after all that said, we have a show tomorrow and I have to get to bed if I want to wake up as an old lady.


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