Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

A day off today a show tomorrow

Sometimes when given the opportunity to be lazy after months of pushing oneself to work to the bones, you are given that choice and that choice is easy. The past week on my days off I stayed in my bed sleeping. Although it was a very beautiful day I had decided it was my day to be very lazy. And lazy I was. I don't think an inch of my body went to work as it laid in bed just staring at the ceiling and then occasionally I would venture out to the couch to watch t.v.. That to me is being a very lazy gal and very unproductive. My mother would have never approved of my laziness as she would say that most famous saying, "idle hands make for the devils work".


However, after working hard sometimes your body just wants to sit back and let time waste away.


What I should have been doing is simply this: working on my project which will be revealed to the group soon. It's at the point where my creative juices just want to escape that point and instead it forces a complete stop of the whole process. Although it's just under half way to being done, the brain doesn't want to continue. I guess that's the problem with me at times. It takes forever to get into the creative mood, but once in it I can go on forever.


I have also been dealing with allergies. It seems the past few days they have put me into a fog, just like the commercials seem to state. But really it's just been annoying with the whole sneezing process and blowing my cherry nose afterwords. On top of that my sunburn has turned into a nice peeling stage. It's some what entertaining, I feel like a lizard and other times it's just gross. Like I would take my tank top off after I woke up from sleep to find it snowing in my shirt. Ewww gross eh!


So today looks like another fulfilling day as I head off to another town and then spend the night preparing for show tomorrow. Who knows how that will go.


Talk to you soon.

The life of Lizard Mae


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