Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Seeking something higher

What is it about thinking during the late hours of night that a person can really dive deeper into their own thought patterns? After a great wedding and reception, (congratulation to my friend Mo and his beautiful bride Jocelyn who I pray will have a long and happy marriage filled with wisdom) I came home tired from all the food and dancing.

As I laid myself to sleep my mind wanders toward things that are of a higher importance. I tend to have nights where all I can do is think instead of sleep. This is my quiet time with God. Although I have tried to a rise early to seek Him first thing in the morning, it is only in the stillness and darkness of night that I am truly alone with Him and my thoughts.

You can hear the night birds chirping and the few cars that fly by on the road by my house, but mostly you hear the sounds of the night winds knocking up against the house. When the sound settles for the night, if you are still awake at that time, your heart beat is the loudest thing you will hear and the beat is soothing and comforting. Some how you realize the most important things in life are the things that get drowned out by the very busyness that you sought out during the day.

Quietly I lay on the bed with my eyes shut, listening to the beat of my own heart beat and it occurred to me that what I want most in life is to serve God. Everyone wants to know what career I will be doing whether it's in the fine arts field, social justice field, or science. What the question they should be asking is whether or not I am happy with the life that I currently lead. The answer to that is yes. You see I could just pick a career and invest 10, 20 or even 30 years working and perfecting my talents in whatever job I wish to pursue. In the end, the out come would be a house, kids, and something in-between. It's what everyone does in this North American society right?

What if there is more to life than that? I mean there is nothing wrong with a family, I hope to have one someday God willing but is there more than the box we live in? That's what I am seeking out, I want to find out what is outside pandora's box of the life we live in from the Western world view point.

Yes I have many opportunities to build a career for mysef. I can't remember how many times I have been told that I am wasting my brains and talents. That I could be earning a lot of cash flow if I just focused or that I am going the wrong way and messing up my life according to the gospel of other people's standards of living. What is really important to me is that am I following God and doing something that will further His Kingdom. After all I am just a soldier in this war we call life and if I am not doing something to help others and making my life worth living then I am just another causality of war. A fallen leaf from a tree that's past it's season.

So this is my thoughts for today as I go through and seek this continual journey.
1. I don't have it all figured out but at least I am seeking the answers and that to me is the first step.
2. Time is limited and I want to live my life to whatever is pleasing to His eyes. After all we don't know what tomorrow will bring, we don't even know if there will be a tomorrow.
3. To get is great, but to give is better. If I live my life taking I gain nothing, if I live my life giving, I would have made a world of difference for others and gained ten times from changing a life.

Well it's been good writing to you today.

This is the life we live,
If life is all we have to give.
This is the life we have today,
This is my life, the life of Miss Mae.


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