Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Lists, and more stuff to do to past the time

Ah the beauty of check list is that you actually feel you have accomplished something by checking the item off the piece of paper to announced that your time was well spent. It's a great way to feel that you accomplished something that day even if you haven't accomplished much.

I have been lagging in the department of doing, mostly because I just don't feel motivated to finish what I started, the list of projects and secondly it takes a lot of mind power to dive into such projects. However, the mind power I have is unavailable when I return home from work and realize that my brain has been working for 8hrs straight and I am so exhausted that I just don't want to pick up my book and read or write my novel. It's so sickening to see how sad I have become. This is the girl that use to put in over 8hrs a day and still be a active person after those 8hrs of work.

Personally I think it's because I am getting older. Ah the age old question of well age. It seems that I am losing my energy as I sit at home exhausted from a measly 8hr day work. I mean where did my energy go?

That brings me to my next point, I am getting older. Tomorrow I will face the dreaded day that comes every year, the day I turn and look into the mirror and say "My old girl your age is beginning to show. " Ahhh the inhumanities of an aging body! Ok, so I am not that old, but when you think back to highschool where you use to make fun of the people at this age it kind of bites you in the bottom.

I remember when I was 16 and I was still a young foolish school girl, I recalled that moment when I said wow what will life be like when I turn 25. I would imagine that I would be in my own place starting my exciting new career of some adventure sort, and would be dating a guy with style, kindness and whatever girls think about at that age. I also thought that I would be going to coffee houses and chilling with my friends and living the life you see on t.v. boy was I mistaken.

That was a long time ago and now 25 doesn't seem to amuse me anymore since I will be turning 25 in two years. I am still living at home, and I haven't completely picked a major though I did live an exciting life so far and because of my life, (the constantly moving to place to place) I haven't had a chance to settle down with anyone because long distant relationships where you can't pinpoint the location of the person at any given time doesn't work! I do go to coffee houses but not one in particular and if I do go its with great planning and time management that I get to see my friends, that is when they aren't busy with their new found lives.

So tomorrow when I stare into those small brown eyes, I will wonder if I will feel any different from the day I was born into this world. Getting older is not something people want to hear about because if you are like most people, it just means another year closer to the day you die, if you die from a long and healthy life that is.

Nothing can keep me from turning older, I suspect by the time I hit my 30's I will try to cover my age as most women do by stating that I am only 29. However being a Christian I am obligated not to tell lies so therefore I will just have to confront my age. So when I think about what age I could be, 23 tomorrow is not a bad age. I mean I don't really look it, most people think I am only in my late teens or 5 years give or take my actual age.

It's just the thought that time is passing me by. Time is always passing us by and we are wasting it when we forget to use it wisely. I would call bloging a waste of my time except for the fact that it has helped me express my views to a world that couldn't care less on what I think but because I couldn't care less about what they think about what I think it works out. I guess it has given me a better way to type up my journal for writing purposes so when I gather enough pages I will print it off and make it into a book. At least this way I get the occasional comment on what others think.

Anyway I better do something with the time I am given.

That is Miss Mae reporting live from this day!


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