Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Friday, June 24, 2005

And if there was a possible chance

Screaming is all I wanted to do today. After dealing with my job or now job but later no job situation or whatever the new situation seems to be, all I wanted to do with the end results is move as far away from the family as I possibly could. Maybe escape to where the world is quieter and less controlling of everything.

That and only seeing them when forced too but not allowing them to control the better part of my life would be a dream come true. This is where my prince comes into my life and sweeps me away to his castle in another distant land where I start my new life away from the control freaks......Fat chance!

So what happened today that made me want to scream Oklahoma at the top of my lungs this happened: I was happy because today didn't start out raining like the past few weeks as it seems. I got up to the beautiful sun shine. After worrying about my job situation, today I would start getting applications ready because that's what you do when you are left without a job. You deal with it.

However that's not what happened because while I was getting ready to enjoy my waffle the phone rings. Mom answers the phone. It's for me, ok so that's not unusual, everyone gets a phone call. It was my cousin, that usually means she doesn't want to work. Fine, Hello, yes fine, what do you want, a favor? Okay what is it? She wants to get drunk so she needs to sleep in, so can I come in to work for her.......after a while I finally said yes even though it would have been the first week I actually would get off since being dragged into work right after a rigorous tour.

Not the bad part yet, here comes my aunt saying that I will have to work, that' s not the bad part either, I don't mind working in the office. The bad part, I would have to wait till my cousin quits in the middle of August. That put's me a month out of work, so I told my aunt that I can't do that and that I am going to look for a full time job. She says that I went back on my commitment, but she is the one who said I would get full time work but has being playing me by more strings than a marionette is played. She only needed me for a week then I was off without a job again. Then I was moved into another office saying that I would be the only secretary there and then the deal fell through and finding this out I wasn't going to have a job but then she decided to not take in the other girl and move me back into the original office with a pay cut.

That really got me upset. I ended saying I was going to see, I wasn't going to make my decision yet because I was tired of being played by the string, either she offers me full time work starting July or I am going to find a full time job. She suggest that I find a part time job for the few weeks and then quit, she even suggested that I return to the YMCA. I said no because 1. I quit that job a year ago and 2. I don't want to go back to that job. 3. No one works for a part time job for a month then quits. So I ended that conversation. A moment later, not even 5 minutes, my cousin calls back and says they discussed it and that she is going to quit at the end of June so that starting of July I would get the full time job and she would fill in when I get sick.

I am thinking it's because my aunt doesn't want to hire outside of the family but it puts me in a bad position since when I work there they treat me like I am an idoit. I mean if I had been there a few months and still didn't know where things were then treat me like that but seriously I had only been there less than 2 weeks and I didn't come from a medical background so telling me a drug name and expecting me to know what that was and not showing me where to find it and expecting me to know exactly where they keep that sorta of stuff and then making me look like an idiot in front of her patients, I am sorry that is uncalled for.

So I don't know what to do. What do you do if your boss treats you badly, you usually either tough it out till you find a better job or make a big scene and quit. One problem with that.....it's family and you see them all the time you have a get together. So you can't really make a hissy fit because they hold it against you at every family gathering.

One word of advice from Miss Mae: Never work for family, it will only bite you in the bum later!!

Miss Mae


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