Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Raining once more

I woke up to the out cry of mother nature banging on my window pane. It was a Sunday morning but I swear at 6:21 am it was a Monday morning and I was late for work. This rare occurrence could have been the cause of a brain that has been trained for Sunday Church being the day before Monday syndrome where the related events tells the brain that it's a Sunday resulting in a Monday for the following day.

I have been going to church on Saturday but my brain in the subconscious hours of the night related church to being a Sunday thing since for the majority of my church going life the past few years it has always been a Sunday. So in the end results my brain was just doing what came natural from learnt behavior and was alerting me to the fact the following day would be a Monday which would be the start of another work week.

Either way, I ended up for whatever the natural or un-natural cause with a slight fright in the wee hours of the morning.

Lately as I have been thinking about my life, I am still coming across with the questions that boggle down my mind. It's of the future, and sometimes that seems meaningless to ponder about something that you have no full control over. I was talking to my sister last week as we drove home from work about the patterns in life.

If you look at life, nothing seems to be without some sort of pattern. You could find a pattern in everything if you look hard enough. This lead me to believe that maybe there is a secret hidden in this. Maybe the world is not filled with random events as some of us are lead to believe but in fact it's all part of the masters design. I mean if you look at the scientific levels of things, cells are all built on a systematic pattern where it is fitted together like a well oiled machine. Therefore if the simple things in life are built with a blue print, who says that there is no fundamental reason for our lives to be based on a blue print. After all life exist in the realm of time but time doesn't start and end like the clock on the wall. It's in itself is a pattern in which goes where we say or not. So what if things are meant to happen now because it has already effected the outcome of tomorrow's events. Even though this is happening doesn't mean you can't leave everything to the pattern of life but you must make the choices or it will change the pattern of tomorrow so that is where the choice comes in to play.

Anyway that's just something I have been thinking about. You can take it as it is or throw it away. Just a theory anyway.

Other than that, I have been trying to look into other opportunities to further my education. I am not sure what God wants me to do but I hope I make the right choice. That and the other financial burdens have been plaguing my mind as I seek to find the right decision in which my career path will be directed.

For the rest of the day I will work on work notes and prepare to get some writing done. I think writing is a unique tool in which my brain can clearly express the thoughts that boggle it down so much.

Love Miss Mae


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