Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Enigma of Green Eyes

There is something to be said about the mystery of the green eyes. Yes a mystery in which I always wanted to understand. People with green eyes are mysterious, like they are hiding something and ordinary people want to find out just that. Some eyes are some what misguiding and full of adventure, danger, and very alluring and will bring you under their spell of hypnosis. That's the mystery of the green eyes. In Chinese legend, the story behind the green eyes is that the person is not human but a ghost living on earth. Whether that is true or not according to theory, I find the green eyes maintain that memorizing and fascinating appeal like the eyes of a cat.

So when I got my contacts, I ended up going from dark mouse eyes to the enigma of green. It's not as deep of green as I wanted it to be, but when you are going from mousy black, it's hard to find a colour that will hide the natural pigments of the eye. Although I find it extremely dry to wear contacts in my home town, it was something I always wanted to rid me of the chain of wearing glasses.

This past week has put me back into the laziness of just sitting around and doing nothing after the working hours. It was a bit stressful because of all the set backs with the publication but some how I managed to get through it and was called back for yet another week at the office. It's definitely something to think about. When I look back at the two weeks I thank God for providing me a job and I know that he will provide my next step after this month is over. As to what I will be doing to earn money for school that to is my provocative. I have no means of knowing what the future will bring till I get there.

I haven't been able to discipline myself to write on my novel. It's not that I don't want to but I lack the discipline because coming home from work leaves me tired and then I just feel like doing something less demanding on my brain. This has started me watching the Korean Soap Opera with my sisters. In the weekend my days are filled with errands that never got finished during the week because of work and then it's chores and little time to write.

Well I better start getting back into the trend. Lately I also have bought some nice clothes and have been dressing up more. Following different trends but I have been making an attempt to redefine my bank book so that I will have money for school next fall.

Anyway that is my day so far.

Miss Mae


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