Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

My Photo
Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

End of Spring Break...back to work grunt!

Sigh, as I ran to the ocean on my last day of spring break I had to come to the reality of facing the dreaded 6 more week syndrome of tour. Not that I don't enjoy the company of my 13 other friends, it's just that sometimes cooped up in a tiny space and seeing everyone every second of the day can make a girl feel well, overwhelmed.

Such an understatement at times. I just really needed to clear my head out. Not only since I am living in a marriage with 13 other people, where you work and see each other every day can be hard especially for an independent person like me, a person needs time to breath by themselves. It's also because I received some bad news about a relative of mine. Another motorcycle accident. Brings back memories of my friend's accident.

Just need time alone to think. I don't need to be pestered by questions that only make me want to evacuate the situation more and more. Gasp, as I sat on the beach for a moment, I had escaped the reality of 13 other attachments and I was just me.

This is the week that you feel like you want to go home and your body is saying this is way to long for a person to be a 14 range circus. The oven temperatures have been past broiling and we are starting to burn. At this point everyone is feeling that they wish they could evacuate the premises. It's going to be quite the circus this week. What a better way to kick it off with the trailer breaks of the sub burning up once again.

So spring break has ended and well it's back to the pig farm once again. Grunting through the work as we try to make the best of this week. The last 5 weeks will be great as everyone is really beginning to appreciate each other. Then it's the dreaded good bye to tour and welcome back to a life in which for some of us is a more calmer lifestyle. No more 13 other strangers telling you what to do or making a group decision. It is like going from dictatorship into a democracy and yes now your say finally makes a difference in your single life.

Now I do admit it will be sad to leave the home that I have built and the family that I have come to know, but it would be great just to sit on my own bed and ask myself in the morning, "Now, Whad da you wanna do?"

Ah and now Mae has become sarcastic as we hit the six week part. You gotta love the tour life.
Miss Mae,

Monday, March 28, 2005

A Lot of baggage....

Hello good people of blog world. Today the forcast is a bit tardy and full of unbelieveable reviews of just sitting and wasting precious time for no good reason.

Well actually, here I am at the Library. I am still on spring break and waiting for my roll of pictures to go through the process of development. I have to reorganise my bag as it is fuller than a ripe watermelon on the fourth of July. So as I sit with nothing better to do, I would check up on my school stuff but why waste time worrying about all that junk and stuff when all a person can do on tour is hope that by the time they arrive off tour they will have some chance to enter a decent school where they will be forever locked in a box until the day they graduate and then have to face the realities that they, being me...who else, can not simply afford the cost of school.

Nah just bored really at the moment, what a way to spend a couple grand on an education that may or may not prolong your future career as a student. What a way to go!

Seriously thinking though, I have to try to get my act together and stop living on a day dream. This means really focusing on one area of my life. There are many talents a person is given, many dreams and areas where a person can succeed but the problem is just trying to figure that out in one area for the time being.

okay well I am even bored at the moment so good riddens, talk to you later.

miss mae, or miss me not, what we have is the life we got!

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Well, it's been a while since I had internet access to blog to you but here I am once again on the infernal beast of a machine. This past week I have been in the beautiful surrounded hill side outside of Solvang. It's absolutely beautiful. However all I have been wanting to do is to get out and go shopping. So how have my adventures so far this week been? Well starting spring break, when most of the team members were still here, I got annoyed with the guys. As you suspected that will happen when guys are imature and my patience to tollerate them is a slim jim. So at first, being a good little Christian, decided to take it to God, but by half way through praying, or griping to God about how I can't deal with the situation, I bailed out of prayer and headed to go out dancing. I went with two other of the girls on our team.

It was an adventure, we didn't end up going to the original dance spot but ended up going to see a live blues band. It was great. So at 12pm we headed back as not to wake up everyone from their slumber. However as we approached the gate to the gated community we were staying at, we realized that we did not have the access code to enter. This caused some problems as we decided on what plans of action to take. Praying that someone would answer our phone calls, our tour manager not being by her phone, we received no answer. So as we sat in the truck waiting, we stated our resources and thought up a plan. 1 truck, 3 girls who have to pee, middle of the night in a town we don't know and everything else is closed.....humm ok so we will sleep in the truck. Okay not a problem but now we have to solve the next problem....3 girls that have to pee.

Well for you who know me and know that I don't even like the idea of peeing in the port of potty in my home town, well you will know that I figured this to be a fall to man kind. What were we going to do? You can figure out the rest of the details. First time camping type of an experience. Thank goodness for baby wipes.

The rest of the week was pleasant as we returned to civilization and I went shopping for my sisters gift. I had a lot of junk food and enjoyed the great town of Solvang.

This was my week.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Life happens

I often think about my life and the events that have been occurring in the past few years. Though I had to face many trials and tribulations I also have come across some very comical moments. Often on tour, life gets so busy with work focused things that I have a tendency to have a one mind set. This can be harmful because I begin to see my team as workers and nothing more. The relationships fall into mere existence and I ask myself after tour how do I respond to the lack of my life. You see life is not what happens to you but the relationships in which they happen to. One person can not live life without really living it if they forgo the part of life in which is soley based on relationships.

In my best effort, I am trying to get to know my team as individuals. Trying to connect with them, after all no man is an island contrary to what people and individuals will claim in a heated moment of individualism.

So here I am on spring break. Much has happened since my last report to you. For one thing a few days ago I could have plummeted to my early death on the mountain in a motor vehicle accident just like my cousin did 3 years ago. But it's our supreme Lord God who determines the fate of one's life and the timing of his/her death. If it weren't accredited to one of our driver and co-pilot's calm personality I don't think we would have survived. It was a 13% steep hill as our breaks burnt out leaving very much a short coming to our vehicle. Without God's hand on us our wheels would have popped off and we would have kicked the bucket.

Hence that was the drama this week. The show before our spring break brought me feeling oppressed. It was like if my whole body decided to have an energy crisis and left me to deal with the after mass. It was when I started to earnestly pray against it, did I recover long enough to get the show done and tear down. What was cool is that during our time backstage I was left to prayer for the unbelievers in our audience and by the time I was taking my make up off, I turned to one of the girls on our team to say in all boldness, "Someone has come to know Christ". Sure enough another is brought to the Lord. This has happened to me 3 times and it's a blessing to be a part of.

Besides show stuff and wanting to get to know my team better, let me describe California. It's more beautiful than any travel magazine could describe. It holds more beauty in what it stands for, nature meets the modern world of design. From the woodpeckers on the Palm trees, to the fresh citrus trees growing every where. I myself have come accustom to enjoying the fresh fruit on tour. The oranges were picked and went straight into my mouth. The drops of sweet juices trickled down my parched throat and I ask myself could anything be better? To read about California and see pictures is great. To experience it in person is ten times better. It's like a rollar coaster of adventure, nature meets man made but in perfect harmony.

Another really cool thing is the people. The life they live is extraordinary, well it makes sense if you ever visited California. I guess it's because people here are more wrapped up in style of the land that they portray it in the culture of the community. This being said, I got to go horse back riding at one of the places I stayed at, and I really enjoyed it. The wind in my hair and my muscles pushing up against the gentle beast. It was a lot of fun.

Until we meet again

Mae Gum

Monday, March 07, 2005

I hate computers!!!

Grr.. so when I got my yahoo account a normal e-mail addres where I was suppose to check my e-mail any where they have e-mail access I have come up with problems. The problems being I now can't check my e-mail if the computer I am using as this stupid Yahoo DSL because it is retarded and stupid and I don't understand it.
I just want to scream but instead I will vent it out on my blog. So my friends who would love to e-mail me should just use my other mail.com account or the safe bet hotmail account.
Ok well other than that, the show has been going great. I want to write to my prayer partners about all the stuff but I can't access my e-mail account and I am afraid I am going to get charged with something. I don't like this!!! Ayia!!!
WEll that's all folks.
Miss Mae .................AYIA!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

God's Provisions

We have just finished one tough week of four day shows, but even through it all, God has been wonderful in it. I love the bible verse Romans 8:28 because I see it in work in my life. Whatever Satan uses to harm us, God can use it to Glorify Him. Praise God, that He is the God of all things!

One of the cool stories that God has showed me how faithful He is, is this a couple days ago we were at a venue where the whole town was out of electricity. All the stores were shut down and we didn't have electricity to run things. God however is bigger than lights, electricity, closed down stores. God provided ice for us to buy in a town that was shut down. God provided us a generator and many wonderful volunteers to get our show up and running. And God provided wisdom to our leaders or people in charge to herd us into the places we needed to be. He is a faithful God even when it seems our own faith is as big as a mustard seed.

During that venue our techs and people in charge found out that they were over powering the cables and so now they are working on ways to fix that.

Another blessing was that at one of our shows, the church really blessed us by fixing our tire that had previously had a large flat. This was amazing. He promises to provide for us when we need it. Amen to that.

In my own prayer, God has been great in that He has provided for all my needs. He has blessed me with wonderful home-stays and I have been so blessed. I can't explain the blessings because it's to numerous to count.

It's not only the big things that I am thankful that God has provided me with but it's the little things too. Like sunshine on a cloudy day ;)

Last night I layed awake just talking to God. I read on a house decoratation once that if you can't sleep, don't count sheep, talk to the shepard and that's what I did. He has given me so much love for His people and the lost. The most important treasure of this world can be found in the hug of a good friend. I have been blessed on every tour by people that I love. As for why they love me I don't understand. As to why I love them it's God's great gift through me.

The other day I was in a shoe store and I saw Sponge Square Bob and I thought of my friend Ashli. I wondered how she was doing and I just prayed for her that God is still moving in her life. When it rains I am always reminded of Walter and I pray for him as well. There have been some great trains that we pass by and it brings a smile to my face because that's what Walter would do. It's the little things that reminds you of the people you love and miss. Some how though even though they are so very far away, they are kept in my heart where I will always love them and cherish them.

Then there are thoes things that make you wonder how a person is by hoping God has answered your prayers about certain things. I have been thinking about that and I should write more often when I get the chance to find out if the prayers have been answered.

Anyway about California. It has been beautiful. I took a wonderful walk yesterday with my billets kids and I got to see the Levi and the sunset. It felt good to see the sun shining. It's beautiful here. Really beautiful. I often wonder if heaven will capture more beauty than this. Actually I have a feeling it will. :)

God Bless your Day
Miss Mae