Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

On the Fourth Day of Christmas...

Well yup, it's the fourth day of Christmas and my true love sent to me and here it goes "Four French Hens" and the rest of the song. So what did Miss Mae do, well she cleaned up her aunts house for some extra Christmas cash. Then she is going shopping with her mom for yup, are you ready for this: SUSHI!!! Yeah how I missed the raw taste of raw fish. There is something about raw fish that makes me smile....weird eh!

Anyway besides that I am cleaning our house in preparation of this great Christmas gathering where most of my relatives will be drunk. So I am hiding all the breakables. Not only that I have been trying to make our home decorative for Christmas.

The one great thing is that while I am at home, my friend Rachel says there is only 25 more days till the next tour starts, I am giving myself facials, pedicures and manicures. Just cause I know I don't get to do that stuff while I am on tour. It's hard to look like a million bucks on tour when you are scrubbing, cleaning, touring from a suitcase ;) My tour friends would agree! I am thinking of packing some of my nicer clothes though. I think I will start another fashion trend.

Ah Miss Mae, you definitely are a character! Yes according to my sister, I am the biggest drama queen that has hit this city. Not only that, I can act like anyone cause I have been everyone. With the phases I have gone through, there is no limit to who I can be. Just take a look at my wardrobe and my CD collection. I am like the Milk commercial, always changing. I think I have had all sorts of different colours of hair that I am almost not sure what I started with since my hair was never really solid black.

Oh look at the time, I must go and buy some sushi.

With Love Miss Mae


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