Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

And so it Begins....Christmas pandemonium

Yup that's right. The beginning of another crazy moment in my year. Total pandemonium. Complete with it's own pull out section. If you get out now, you just might survive. Head on out to a place other than North America, maybe the Amazon or the other isolated Islands.

Ah the sound of silence. Not really but with many things to get done, organizing a family presentation, with its own little band, and doing odds and ends life couldn't get better.

I don't suppose this season was meant like this. However as I think back to the story of the night of the Birth of Christ that must have been a busy time as well. I mean they were doing a census and with all that crowd, you have to be honest that it probably wasn't a silent night or at least not silent in the terms of the city. I mean there wasn't even space for the baby to be born in a hotel. I guess even the first Christmas was a little crazy.

I was in dream land this morning. It was crazy. But then again if I didn't dream, I wouldn't have these great ideas to write about absolute nonsense. So I suppose dreams are my creative juice in which great stories and stuff come out of. This being said, I should write more of my dreams into books. But who knows what that might turn out to be like.

Don't you ever find it calming at home....Well I should hope so. But knowing that it's not likely to be true I figure, life in all and all is crazy. Being off tour is some what brings another side to this coin. I realize I am more calmer, well in a way. However I do miss the people on tour in a way. Maybe I was blessed with multiple personality and tour brings a wild crazy personality out. Because at home, I think I have become more reserved, withdrawn.

Anyway with that being said I got to go do some cleaning to earn a little Christmas cash.

By the way it's my friend Rachel's 24th birthday. Happy Birthday Rachel.


Blogger Rachel LeAnn said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I was reading backwards through your blog. I like Cinderella and Flower Drum Song too. Jason Alexander's scenes are my favorite, and if you haven't seen him in Bye Bye Birdie, go rent it. He's amazing!

10:05 AM  

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