Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, December 13, 2004

On the second day of Christmas...

Ah yes, it is the second day of Christmas and how did my day go? How did I spend it? With over 2 hours of madness at the mall. So today Miss Mae decided to venture over to the redone mega mall in the North West. It was done up like the malls in Toronto and the USA.

I felt some what depressed from this experience. After all it was like over consumers and my mind rejected it and my insides wanted to turn inside out. All the stores that contain scents, over whelmed my head and after going into a couple, I had a serious migraine. Then it was the lady who wouldn't move out of the way in the Candy Lane Isle at one of the stores we went to. She was counting each individual candy cane to see if there was 12 candy canes in the box. I wanted to say "Hey Lady, move it! Yes there is 12 stupid candy canes in the box, why the heck would they put 12 on the box!" but I didn't say anything, I just smiled and kindly passed her by.

The materialism during the Christmas season is getting out of hand. This world that we live in is becoming more filled with the I syndrome and I have become more like a Christmas Grinch toward it all. I mean I don't mind it when I living here as I am myself guilty on all cases. But something tells me we weren't suppose to live like this. With all these Mega malls, I often wonder if this money could have been better off used in a village in the 3rd world.

Part of me admires the designs of the mall, another part shudders as I know while enjoy the comfort of indoor heated precedes, there are people who don't even have heated homes.
That just gave me something to think about. On other events of today, I really enjoyed my time bonding with my sister.

We spent all day together and we are going to her last Alpha course later on tonight. It's times when I spend laughing and enjoying the parkade of my sisters company that really make me miss home. We had fun together, just shopping and eating and just going up and down the stores. Back and forth to find the perfect gift to make our love ones smile. It was a real pleasure.

I think the more I spend time with my family, the harder it will be for me to leave once again. I have missed so much and I get separation anxiety when I have to leave them. My sisters and I are so very close. We are more than sisters, we are bosom friends. This will be a major factor if I decide to go to an out of town school. :( Well that's about my daily pickings today.

So...On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, some time with my family.


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