Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

On the Fifth day of Christmas

Waking up today was interesting. I kept hitting the snooze button and I really didn't feel like getting up. The sun was out and it really was a nice day but I was so tired from cleaning my aunts house the day before that I wanted to sleep in till noon. I didn't sleep in that late. I got up around 11:00am which is really late for me but at least I got up.

The rest of the day started off very casual as I watched a bit of t.v. with my mom, then I motivated myself to clean the dreaded closet by our front door. Not only has this area hasn't seen the day light that often, there was dust bunnies the size of Texas. Ok so I am pulling the truth a little large but there was a lot of dust. I got my sisters to throw out their shoes that they haven't seen since they were put in the closet several years ago. It's amazing how much shoes a person can collect in the period of 13 years living in the same place.

So my little sister finally threw away some of her shoes. She went from around 25 shoes to 14 shoes. It was funny to see how she reacted. Then of course she went to her dance class and now is happily settled down to watch her 3hrs of Apprentice. I don't understand why she watches that show. Anyway so then I got my other sister to throw away some of her shoes and of course had to pull my mom into. In the end between the coats, shoes and accessories, we pulled about 2 bags worth of stuff for the Salvation Army, as well as a load of garbage for the garbage man.

So while I sit here and type, I am waiting for the last of the scarves to be dried so that they can be packed away. Yeah all the coats, scarves, and a few other items had to be cleaned before we gave them away. I also took this time to wash the winter items from last year so that they will be clean for the cold frost that's suppose to hit this year.

Tomorrow, I am attack cleaning the family room. The dining room and kitchen are the last of the rooms before I can finally say the house is ready for Christmas. It's such a tremendous task to take on but it's worth it.

Now I can sleep while visions of scarves, hats, and mittens dance in my head.


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