Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Friday, December 17, 2004

I think it's the 6th day of Christmas...

Yet another day! Oh why can't it just pass me by so I can get this day over with. Why can't I just fast forward to the days of my life to see the good parts and pass over the meek, the blah and the ugly parts???

Life! It's a weird thing we got going on here. Nobody really knows why, but we do it. The complete questioning of our existence. Everybody wants something from you. You yourself seek answers from somebody and yet you are never really satisfied with the answers they give you.

Coming back into my life after tour, I wonder where my friends are. The truth is I am not sure if they liked me for my money/parties, what I could do for them, some days or if they sincerely cared for me. Where are they now? Not really sure cause I haven't heard from anyone of them these past few days. I am thinking that they are truly gone. Left the planet for something better.

Oh well who needs them when your life is filled with a life on the one man island...some how I beg to differ. Maybe it's because I am in one of my many moods today. Perhaps it's my time to be grumpy or maybe I am just sad since Christmas is coming up and I feel forgotten, lost in the crowd, a plane nobody.

Who knows why this 6th day of Christmas is making me feel this way. If you saw me on the street and asked me how I was doing, I would simply reply "I am doing good" or "I feel fine" but to be blunt, I feel that I wish people would send me mail, Christmas cards, anything to say that "Hey I have been thinking of you lately" but sadly the only people that have been thinking about me lately is my credit card company, and we all know what I think about that!

Ah it feels great to vent into a computer. For one thing, computers never talk back and they don't give you advice that you don't want to hear. Secondly, I can stare at the screen for hours and feel that yes actually I do feel better after having this conversation with the machine. My paper journal didn't do that as much for it pointed out that I had some words wrong and that my hand writing was indeed messy. At least we have spell correct on the computer and typing so the words are always readable.

Well thank you computer for letting me vent for a while. I shall get back to my cleaning and then hit the malls to buy some odds and ends.

As I always say "Some days you are the pigeon and other days you are the statue"!


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