Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, December 20, 2004

The 9th day of Christmas...

Wow, I can't believe it's the 9th day of Christmas and well the weather is not looking like a white Christmas. Inside the home it looks like Christmas.

So I got a call about going on tour again. Looking forward to it. Actually looking forward to all the events that are happening this week. My blood pressure was really good as I checked it last night. I thought with all the stress that's going on, I would have a heart attack by now, but I guess God has other plans.

Just some random thoughts I guess. They still need two guys for the tour this January. I am continuing to pray for that. It's funny how it seems that I just keep praying but I can't see the results here on earth. I am so impatience. God will bring what they need. I just have to continuing to trust Him.

It's just like yesterday. I was talking to God about my family. Stayed up well past 2:30 am just trying to figure out a way to tell them about Jesus, one that I haven't used before. After 5 years of trusting Him and praying that God will save my family, I still haven't seen my cousins, or Aunts, or Uncle's turning to Jesus. I don't understand and I cried out to God to save them. I know that I have to keep trusting Him though but some days it's harder to keep believing that they will be saved.

The only time they mention His name is when they use it as a swear, or tell me not to talk about Him. I get so discouraged at this because I don't want to see them go to hell. They are a broken bunch, lost in this world...when will they be set free?

I see the disconnection, the whole falsness of the situation. They are like the two faced card, neither one is telling the truth.

One thing that really made me upset was that my own sister, (the only one that doesn't know Jesus) didn't even tell us that she won't be here for Christmas and we had to hear that she is going to Cuba from our Aunt who is also the family doctor. It wouldn't be so much that she didn't tell us, but the reason for it was she is hiding something, since she has been having relationship troubles with her boyfriend of 10 years and they were suppose to get married but alas things after that became a gaint soap opera.

The one thing I know is that Jesus bonds families together. I know this because I am really close to my other two sisters and my mom. The holy spirit is the connection between us. I wish the best for my extended family and my sister Tracey. It rips me apart from the inside out to see that I am completly helpless to do anything to help them out. I don't know if this what God is allowing in their lives to bring them closer to Him, if it is then I will pray that He continues. Part of me is fighting because I want to be able to do something to help them. Another part is telling me that all I can do is love them and allow Christ to use that to break the chains that are keeping them from freedom.

I don't blame my family for it's not that I battle them in flesh, but I blame Satan for doing this to them. They are still prisoners and one day I want to see them free. If one of my cousins or Aunts, or Uncles, accepts Jesus as their personal savior this year, that would be the best gift, the best news.


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