Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Life is a gift and it shall not be wasted

I'm really so blessed. Sometimes I think that I have the right to complain about life. Then I realised that I'm being stupid. Life is a gift and it shall not be wasted. I don't blog enough on a daily basis. I looked back at my entries and some of them are far between each other. My life may not be perfect, but it will be what I want it to be if I do the best I can to make it the way it ought to be.

I think we are in control of some of our aspects of our lives, the rest is left up to the fact of fate, and the choice we make when we are put in a circumstance that is uncomfortable. I have a wonderful life right now. It's not ideal, but when I look at it, I can't say that it's a life that I don't want. Even with the struggles.

For one thing, I have an amazing, loving boyfriend who treats me with respect. That's important because without respect, love can not flourish. He has some amazing friends and he makes me happy and he is who he is.

I can't help but smile when he's around.

The other great things in my life is that I have two wonderful parents that love me unconditionally and wants the best for my life. It's their selfless hearts that keep me grounded. My parents are encouraging me in ways that I may not understand in their wisdom, but I know it's their love that motivates them.

My sisters are great. Probably the best female friends I can have. They do their best to be there for me even though we may not always get along.

Then there are my friends. Who could ask for anything more. They are the pals that will go on a late night junk food run. That's what good friends are for. They listen to you lament on the harsh comings of the world and bring you to reality. They are your honest critics and they do it out of love.

Life is not what you do, but who you live it with.

Miss Mae


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