Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

My Photo
Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Just the 11th day of Christmas

Just another day, yup just another day. I think I have become bored from the internet. While my mom sits and watches soaps, I look for other ways to entertain myself. I use to be into high tech pages. I use to spend my time on graphics and coding but ah I just don't find that amusing to me anymore.

I tried to find something interesting to read on msn, but that too has been really boring lately. I just want another adventure. What I should be doing is applying for schools once again so that I can return to the square box I was in. Yup it's been two years since I have been in school. I graduated from a two year program in Photojournalism but sadly that's gotten me no where. So what have I been doing for almost the past 3 years of my life? Well I have been acting and traveling and that's not to bad but some day I will have to face reality and pick a career which I can do for the better chunk of my life here on earth.

The funny thing is that I know exactly what I want to do. But the steps getting there is a bit of a challenge. I am not sure what steps to take. How does one learn to get from A to B if she doesn't know the keys to play in between?

When I was a lot younger for some reason I made more sense than I do now. I had a better head on back then. I knew the steps, the path, I was an adult stuck in a grade 7 kid's body. All I did was read, study the news, the market, I had no social life. I was your age confused nerd. Now that I am suppose to be grown up, I am resorting to what I missed out when I decided that kids stuff was dull and unimportant. I am less responsible now than I was at the age of 12. Ten years later life hits me and wham! Time reversal.

I almost think that I have lost all of my sanity some days. I remember when I was younger, things were also simpler. Try telling a 12 year old that life is not what you expected. People change, things change, life goes on. You aren't going to get what you planned. There are set backs, deadlines, and crisis. What am I saying, I can't go to the past and tell my 12 year old self to be a kid or the consequences is that ten years later you will unconsciously trying to make up for lost time.

There I think that sums up my mood for today. Bored and out of my mind!


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