Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Friday, January 12, 2007

If I'm suppose to be a fruit how come I am with the vegetables?

The poor tomato had it coming for him. Yes he was with vegetables and vegetables don't really like you if you are a fruit in the veggie patch. That's like me, I feel that some where on the line between wanting to live this dream, I've ended up in the wrong place and now I've become this genuinely awkward tomato trying to convince the other vegetables that I am one of them while they all know I will always be the fruit in the garden of the department.

So I will say again...poor tomato. It's not that I don't mind standing out in the crowd. I mean when you are an Asian in a non Asian world you kind of stick out. Especially if you really enjoy the taste of tofu. I have begun to realize that my Asian shelter mixed with my faith doesn't always equal the best in the eyes of the more "experienced in other things" students. They actually make you feel like you've been out cast, voted off the Island because your ways are not the same as theirs.

In some cases I have to get use to the fact that I will always stand out regardless of the situation. You have to expect that. Growing up I've always been eccentric and everyone since grade one has had their laugh at my expense. Some days I want to cry because of their non acceptance of me. Then I think hey, they are pretty boring people to have to look at a tomato because they're lives have nothing interesting in them. That's where I get them. You never here a lot of people talking about boring people. Why would they? Boring people are well boring to talk about. You only hear about the people that holds the audience captivating. In that sense, I haven't earned them talking about me because of some outrageous stun...ahem Britney; I get people talking because I am still fresh and new. In a world that has been exposed to all the underground situations, I have managed to squealed through the dark world and not been exposed like photographic paper is to light. This is what makes me fascinating. At my age, I am still discovering life and that's what keeps me interesting. I see new angles, new opportunities and I don't see the world the same way as every body else.

If that gets people talking about me, fine I don't care let them talk all they want. We know that the great oaks of tomorrow start with the nuts of today.


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