Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Who can understand the male mind??

Oh ok so I think I just insulted my co-worker today. But he wasn't his cheerful self to come to think of it. We had our staff Christmas party this weekend and well I kinda pulled a stupid me thing by ignoring him like I do most guys that I am beginning to kind like. The problem I also ignored him was the fact that well....I thought he was kinda drunk.

What is with me that I am freaked out about a guy knowing that I like him and start to act weird around them. Just like the first time I found out in grade 7 that the guy ******** can't mention his name liked me. What do I do.....simple this: I blow them off or find reasons in the world why they shouldn't like me and act like I wouldn't like them all the while I find them incredibly sweet and wish I would just shut up and maybe then things might actually work out. Maybe a part of me thinks that it can't be true that no guy in their right mind would show an interest in me. I will probaly end up like that model sob sorry, "Oh I was super shy....I didn't date....blah blah blah"

I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I am scared of finding something that could lead to something and finding out that once I marry my soul mate I kill him because of my curse or dream. Not that I actually kill him but the curse does and he dies in a fatal crash and I lose the love of my life. Silly and sad at the same time. It reminds me of why I can't get a date.

I have come to the conclusion of why I can't get a date:
1. Because I wear a wedding ring to ward off older greasy men from picking me up at the hardware store.
2. Most guys, according to my knowledge from high school and beyond think I am taken and that my boyfriend would come and beat the crap out of them if they tried to ask me out.
3. I don't get out much to the guy spotting areas since I live for work and school and lack the time to go anywhere else to meet mr. cutey at the grocery store.
4. As soon as a guy shows interest I freak out and then they think they got no chance with me.
5.Who really understands why I can't get a date...maybe because I kissed dating good bye and have resulted that only suitable matches are the one that wants to marry me.
6. Could be that I am waiting for Mr. Right who is suppose to ride up on his white horse and pick me up and just melt my heart into hot boiling lava that the whole world will explode.

But really maybe it's the guys!!

Ok.....well if given the chance again. The next year if a guy hits on me and ask me out I will make a new rule. I will go on at least 1 date for who ever asks me out and not saying no. But a new years trial thing. I might just try online dating.....

Why knows!!!
Mae Gum


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