Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Years

God Bless this day, this minute, and my every waking hour and let me be reminded that in this New Year, every day is a blessing because You gave Your life for mine.

~To discover who we are, we must first discover who we are not. ~
This quote was on a friend's of mines msn message. It rings so true in the New Year. This year I want to be the person I was intended to be. Revived in the spirit, loved as a child of God, and growing each day, in peace, love and happiness.
Over the past few years in my walk with Jesus, it's been a bumpy road. Some days I felt that the presence of God was so strongly in my life that it just radiated from my very smile. I couldn't contain it even if I wanted to and it had to shine out to all God's children.
Then there were days when I thought I would flood the world with my tears that poured out my heart and winter winds descended over my very soul. Crushing me and pushing far from the surface that the air I breathed was toxic. A soul that was so far from God that even had made the Pharises look saintly. It was a deep dark descend into my own making.
Through all of these moments, God has been there molding me, breaking me and transforming me. I may not be a fully grown butterfly as of yet but the transformation is there. To discover who we are, we must first discover who we are not. In everything I have learnt about myself the most important thing is this, that I am a work of art and I am constantly being worked at by the one who loves and created me. One day I shall shine brightly because I will be in His presence for all eternity.
I will not give up on life.
The world may give on me, love may fail, relationships become like a distant sail boat out in the sea, but I will not give up on living. I will fight to live in the very presence of God, I will fight against the one who seeks to destroy me and make me my worst enemy. For I am not alone. My God will stand for me and will be the very strength, the rock on which I stand.
This is my resolution. To stand firm in Christ. To find out who I am not, so that I may find out who I am.
Happy New Year, this year and many more to come.
Miss Mae


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