Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Black Coffee Please, No Sugar, No Cream!

Okay so you are doing your lines and you are rehersing once again. Stop! Go! Stop! Go! GO, Stop, GO GO Go!!! Agh! Well what do you expect Miss Mae this is rehersal and this is what you are to expect.

Like I said, stop, and go! So frustrating cause I want it to be perfect. This is my problem, I want this to be perfect but you know it's a long and hard process and man is it ever so hard. I feel like pulling out my bottom lip and crying but ah suck it up right?! After all this cookie ain't crubling.

OH Joy! What solves this problem? I know I shall go buy a hat, or at least look for something to buy to add to my stuff. Shopping, Chicken wings and chocolate really makes a girl happy, or at least that's what I am telling people. These pleasures are just some of the things that make me smile. So why can't I do that...well first of all cause when you are on tour you can't just take off and leave. So that's why. Simple as that, it's a system, you lose some independance this way but I am sure the benefits out weigh all the rest right? I mean shouldn't it??

I feel cabin fever coming on. I am antsy just to escape and go some where. Anywhere. But I can't cause I am stuck. Then I figured, God must be teaching Miss Mae to be happy in all circumstance...ok...humm this will take some time. Time, patience, RIGHT!!! Gosh I just quoted a quote from the play....oh my...what has happened. To early in rehersal to be doing that. I guess what I really need to know is this, will my life be okay God? Cause you said you had a plan but this seems like it's taking a while, I am already getting Cabin Fever.

It's like this. You begin a fairly decent novel. It's great, the first couple chapters is filled with adventure, romance, excitment, drama, conflict. Then that fades and the circumstance becomes normal, dull, there is no more romance at all, the adventure is barely there, well if you call falling off stage stairs an adventures then I have three words for you "You're ON CRACK", this becomes ordinary part of my so called life.

Sure there still is conflict only because the bigger picture deals with it that way. There are more questions and stuff to read through before it will ever start to pick up again. But that is taking too long. And when I mean too long I mean cobwebs have begun forming on my fingers while I type this.

The good stuff comes later, and you desperately want to find out more, however you can't cause you can't forward life like that. That is the bitter part!!!! Stupid middle. Aghgggh... the sounds of a groaning writer about to throw her bitter ink pen to the ground. Squished, trampled, sigh.....that's the sounds you get after the pen doesn't break because it's not something that can be metphorically broken.

Ah my life!!! If I was a University student right now, I probably would be getting more of a life than right now!!! Or at least the grass looks greener on the other side of this suburban fence.

So like I said. I just want to forward to the stuff that makes life interesting. This stuff between is killing me. Even a crazed stalker would be nice at some point....ok not really but you know what I mean. Or maybe you don't but the point is I just want something to happen. My life is becoming way to ordinary that my dreams are actually more exciting than life.

But then again my life is not a soap box movie screen so why should I expect it to be. No, at the moment this writer is well living a black coffee life. No sugar or cream. Just a black coffee life! Isn't that just great.

Humm I could make up an imanginary circumstance as when I belonged to an online chat community where we actually had homes for our avatars. Humm at least then my life online would be exciting....I should just go into acting as a soap opera t.v. actress and then every day would be well interesting....well we will see.

The life as Miss Mae, 1 black coffee please, no sugar, no cream!



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