Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Have you ever laughed so hard that your sides start to tremble and you actually feel pain from laughing so hard? Well it was one of them days down here. We had played a game which I couldn't contain my little body from doing a full body shake from laughing. It didn't get to the point that I had to pee my pants although that would be funny.

I feel much better today after I had some rest. I mean sleep does help. I got to excerise my skills as a photographer, but I can't take credit for the work since it was God's doing. I felt a bit over whelmed with a few things that I was saying in my head "God do you really want to choose me to do this??" I guess that is one area God wants to see His daughter worked on. He wants me to be proud and confident in what I do because He made me a equiped with it. It's like the book the Dream Giver. God has given me the skills and I should be humble about it. It means that I shouldn't think anything less of my self or more but that all Glory goes to God. Take that and think about what my one friend told me about how I insult God when I insult myself. Since I am God's creation, putting myself down would mean putting His art work to shame.

So after all that, I felt I owed the big guy a sorry note in person. Other than that, I have been having a very random thought day. Some of the expressions I use is way out of the ordinary. I think one day it will make a great book. The things you learn from life. That any other things I have been dreaming to do.

I think if I had a band it would be an interesting one. I want to play either the drums or the guitar. I would sing of course. I would write some songs and put it to a combination of sca, rock, punk, pop and techno. Wouldn't that be interesting!

Life for me hasn't been ordinary... it's been extraordinary and I hope it continues that way. After knowing death as it waits on anyone, I don't want to be able to see life as a blah blah blue kind of way. I want to live it. It's too short to come close to death. As humans I feel we take life as something we will have...but anyday we will be taken. I was thinking about all the stuff I haven't done in my life but even if I did died tomorrow I think I wouldn't be so sad to die. I have done what God has asked so far and that has fulfilled His purpose.

Yes there are some things that I still would like to happen in my life such as I want to raise my daughter that I will adopt one day from Asia,(I wouldn't mind if she was from China since so many wonderful little girls are abandoned each day.) I want to see her grow up and grow in Christ. I want to be there when she has to lay down in my arms and cry because she is heartbroken from the world, from people, from life, just like my mom has and continues to do for me. I want to raise a lot of kids like my mom and to go to their sports, drama, science or whatever they are involved in activies.

Not only that but I want to bless inner city kids who have never felt loved and be there for them to cry on and listen and really care. I want to do something to raise them up and help them become loving and wonderful people.

I want to fight the injustice in our world and make people stop to think about other things than their big fancy cars, homes and six figures. I want them to walk with their brother who has the cardboard box as his home, and the change from the streets as his income.

And I wouldn't mind it if I could find my soul mate. Some one that I actually feel I could submit to for the rest of my life. Some one who I would be proud to serve because of his fire for the only fire that has kept my beating heart alive, Jesus Christ. I wished upon a shooting star once, I was lucky enough to see two in the same night. Some how I figure that he saw it too from across this big world. And by chance, he rescues me from some horible fate of death. Someone who believes in the fairy tales where the prince has to go through many things to win his princess. And someone who from 65 years from now will still be inlove with me as if we just met. I see that in my deseased grandparents, and in my parents lives...but even with that said...I doubt that ever will come true since what my some of my very close friends said was true..."Unless you change your personality...you will never find someone mad enough to fall in love with you." And so far that is true.

Even with that said, I still have hope. God provided many of his faithful with the men and woman He chosed. So at the moment I have to wait and be content in my life now. I am very happy with it. Plus I have kept my lips pure just for him. I am always praying that God will keep him pure for me too. Like the song "Wait for Me" by Rebeca St. James. If she can hold strong, so am I.

Besides the above important stuff that I still want to happen in my life, there is the unimportant stuff like wanting to travel the world. Most people have a few destinations but my heart so desires to travel the world. Or at least visit one country from each continent.

Well that's my random ness of thought for today.



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