Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My Oh my what a wonderful day

So if things don't turn out as you hoped, turn to God and say it's going to be a beautiful day no matter what happens.
Today we got to play some theatre games. It kind of makes me feel that I am in Theatre camp. It was a pretty relaxed day. I did a bit of work projects, cleaning, sanitizing the kitchen stuff to sum up the work part of the day. After that we had dinner and then started to team bond. It was great.
What made this day wonderful is God worked through today despite the fact that it was pouring rain outside and inside my heart. God gives you patience to work with people in no matter what circumstance. Plus if you can't love them...God can love them through you. Just keep reminding yourself that love is not just words, it's actions in other words.

Some days it's just a little harder.

Since last tour, God has done a lot of personal healing in my life and I have over come a lot barriers. I am trying to be more positive because it's better to spread more positivity around than to be a negative Nancy. But I tell you this. It absolutely sucks! It's hard at times when you just want to be left alone to your own self. You can't though when you live in a group of 11 people in counting. We still have 3 more to join our traveling team. And when 9 of them are girls you know what that means.

So other than that, I am just chilling. They are getting the script ready again. So this means that I might just have to redo some of my lines. Which means that I might have to rememorize stuff...on the bright side it means challenge and with challenge it means growth and growth means getting closer to the One that consumes my heart.

So let the song sing "my oh my what a wonderful day. Plenty of Son Shine Plenty today....plenty of feelings happening today."



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