Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, June 08, 2009

He's really into me :D

So one of my class requirements is that we write, that is we write everyday. The more you write the more you get out of your writing muscle. I guess the last time I wrote was about my evil ex-boyfriend aka Justin Smith or nexxia as he is well known on the internet world. But when I look back at his sad little life, he is really one sad lonely boy who has mother issues and until they are resolved he will never beable to move on to a mature relationship. I pity the guy, he sucked in bed and he's has a mental illness that he is not attending to so really it was the best blessing a girl can ask for. Karma, prayer, blessings.

Anyway that's the last you'll here of him on this blog. So what is life like for Mae? Well they say if you treat the world as an opportunity where only good things can happen and you look at life with being half full then half empty, you will begin to see the world with a clearer vision. You will begin to see things the way they should be no matter what your given circumstance is. I believe in spreading good toward others. Do no evil to others and good karma will eventually fall upon you. Do evil to others and have bad fall upon you. Balance. :D

So I guess the best is to update you of the amazing blessings happening in my life. Well for starters, yes, Miss Mae is no longer on the market. Sometimes you meet a man that is actually that into you and suddenly you wonder why did you waste your life on so many frogs who weren't actually that into you :)

I was away for two weeks on a well deserved vacation from work and school. And while my sisters talked at a hip bar and lounge in Montreal called Albi, be it their opening night, while drinking the Alabama slam, each of us took turns reminissing and reflecting about our own lives. Later that night while laying in bed at the hotel, I thought to myself, "I'm really happy with the life I have. It may not be perfect but it's still my life and I'm going to live it."

I am also happy with the guy I'm with. He's my big teddy bear. Although he may not be my life, he's a big part of it right now. He has made me really happy these past few months and I really appreciate and love him because he loves me for me. It's the little things that he does to make me smile, like bring me gingerale when I was sick, or buying me flowers for my show just because he cares and wants to make me smile. How he asks how I am doing and how he makes me laugh.
When I was away the past few weeks, I felt okay being away from him, knowing that when I came home he would be there falling more and more in love with me and that is the best feeling. To be loved by someone who really loves you for you. Even when you are sick and wearing pink flannel pj's he still comes over and tells you how amazingly beautiful you are and means it. It's when he tells me he love's me and sees me in his future, that I know in my heart that I love him deeply.

There is something to be said about love. It starts beautifully and gracefully and still takes you by surprise. My hope is that three times a charm and that he is the one that I will gracefully spend my years growing old with.

But as I said, he's a big part of my life and not my whole life. In a few months I will have completed my BFA in drama. This goal has been on my list since I started touring and the reality will soon be the walking of the stage in Novemeber of 2009. Here at 27, I've travelled Canada, USA, Cambodia, South Africa, I earned a diploma in Photojournalism, won a few awards for my skills, and have a loving boyfriend, friends and family and now I will have a degree. Life is good. But I know it all can be taken away so I'm not taking it for granted. The biggest and greatest thing in my life is that Jesus is still with me. I may not have lived the perfect Christian life, I've made a few big mistakes, but if tomorrow if my world falls a part, the greatest thing that defines and holds me together is still that I have the greatest thing in the world, a God who loves me and created me for his purpose :)

As for the future, I don't know what will happen, but for the good or the bad, it is my life and I'm going to live it with all the strenght, energy and passion one can live a life for :)

signing off,
Miss Mae


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