Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I am falling in love and I'm scared to death

I hate the fact that I'm falling for this guy, who is my boyfriend, who I've only known for two weeks, but we're crazy about each other and I'm scared!! I just hate the fact that I can't stop thinking about him even when I am not with him and it's effecting my life. I, who has and is known to be the biggest nerd on this planet, is so devastatingly falling for a guy she barely knows and has put aside her educational pursuits.

Not only that but logically my brain tells me that this guy shouldn't be the one. My heart tells me other wise. They are in conflict. How can two people be so a like yet so different? He doesn't share the same religion but yet he is so open. He makes me laugh at his pouty lips or when he does Rock band for his family, which by the way I met this week, he really enjoys who he is. Or when he Kareoke's it, he gives it his full heart. And I hate that. Not because I hate that but I'm really scared because after my ex, I never thought I could find someone that would make me smile and I don't want to lose him.

I've had several dreams about different moments spent with him. Oddly enough this was before we met. The rollerblading, the Kareoke, his mom's house...that leads me to know that I'm suppose to be with him. What scares me is the other dreams in which he dies. I don't want to lose him. What if you knew something about the future and you could possibly do something to prevent it. Would you? What if it meant that you had to give up someone you cared about just so that the chain of events would not take fourth?

He says he would never leave me. I feel that he must be telling the truth in the sense that he really cares about me and wants me to be a part of his life. I allowed him to touch me in ways no man has ever before. I care more about him everyday and it scares me because I am so afraid of falling and hitting the ground but maybe that's a risk I have to be willing to take right?

Maybe love is truely just a crazy arrow that some little blind man hits you with...but if it is what is the cure?


Blogger Laura said...

you should listen to your heart! your guy sounds great... i wish i could find a boyfriend like that...

i dunno wat to tell you about the dreams, tho. sometimes i have dreams like that, and the stuff comes true too! but it's never about guys or love...

i think you should risk evrything for true love!

3:09 PM  

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