Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Princes and Frogs

All princes start as frogs and all gentlemen as dogs
Just wait till its plain to see
What we're growing up to be
Cause Some frogs will still be frogs
And Some dogs will still be dogs
Some boys could become men
Just don't kiss us 'till then.

You hate men is what you say and I understand how you feel that way
All girls dream of a fairy tale
But what you've got's like a used car salesman
Trying to conceal what's wrong behind a smile and the song
And I'm not saying that boys are not like that
But I think you should know (you should)
That some of us will grow
Because. . .All princes start as frogs and all gentlemen as dogs
Just wait till its plain to see
What we're growing up to be
Some frogs will still be frogs
And Some dogs will still be dogs
And Some boys will become men
Just don't kiss us 'till then.

You found him is what you say
And we all want you to feel that way
But the frog you've got seems cute enough to kiss
And maybe frogs seem like that's all their is
But just because you haven't found your prince yet
Doesn't mean you're still not a princess
And what if if your prince comes riding in
While you're kissin' a frog what's he gonna think then
So look into his eyes
Are you a princess or a fly?

All princes start as frogs and all gentlemen as dogs
Just wait till its plain to see
What we're growing up to be
Cause Some frogs will still be frogs
And Some dogs will still be dogs
And Some boys will become men
Just don't kiss us 'til then.

I love this song. The other day I had a conversation with my co-worker. I was sadden by how he responded to my stand on purity. The whole world is seeming to be against it. But I refuse to give in.

I may have to wait and find myself a single woman of God. I don't care. I believe in waiting. I want my first kiss to be memorable and wait till I meet the one. If God doesn't want me to be with anyone I will submit to His will and be a servant souly devoted to Him the King of Kings.

I wrote a letter a while back. It was written to my husband. I believe that if I am to get married I am already committed to that man. Which means I should respect that this body is not only mine to give away but his as well.

The following was a letter and promise I wrote back on March 06 2003

Dear Future Husband,
You will never get to read this letter but it's more of a prayer for you.

Dear God,
I pray that in your time, when I am ready that you have prepared me a man in your own image. I pray that you prepare his heart so that he may be a wise man who turns to you for wisdom. I pray that he will bring honour to you and raise his children well to know you. Let him be strong like Job so that he too may not curse your name. Bless him with the fruits of the spirits. Let him be a man of your own words. Fill him with the Holy Spirit. Let him be joyous in your name. Lord let him love you with all his heart. Let purity flow through him.

Help me to learn to love him before I know him. Help me prepare to be an obedient wife. Teach me to forgive him. Lord, let me honour you by honouring him. Like Jesus, let him love me like Jesus loves the church. Like the church let me be obedient. Though I have never met this man, Lord I pray that I give my heart, my lips, my soul, to no other union than to this man alone. So that when we reach the alter, we are joined together as one man and his wife before You. One hand, one heart, one mind, to be completed in union with one God. Lord above all, let him love you more than life itself because I know that he will love me because he loves you and you are love.

In Jesus Name Amen


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