Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

My Photo
Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Perfect Day

So this past week was difficult. Part of it was because I was in a bad mood because of some family issues and being a woman who was about to get her periods soon, I was on edge. I was upset on Friday because my boyfriend was tired to go on a date. To make things worst, my friends were busy to hang that night. I spent my first Friday in a long time, at home working on non important stuff. Saturday came and I got my periods. I also ended up doing my first volunteer shift for the tv station. It was neat to be able to be part of something again. After that I ended up being dragged to a cultural event that was four hours long and 75$ per ticket. It wasn't bad, but it was long and I got to see my close friend perform and another friend from school.

Sunday however was a very perfect wonderful day. It's the kind of days worth writing about. I woke up feeling crappy because I got home late from that cultural event. I was tired but I decided I would catch a ride to church with my parents. I took a quick shower only to come out to an empty house. It's not bad though because I decided to take a personal hour and listen to what God had to say for that week. I listened to last week's sermon on the web and realized that church is not the same when you're at home listening to the web cast. However it made me think and renewed my spirit a bit.

My boyfriend picked me up and we went to Dim sum. It was so cute watching him use the chopsticks. He makes me laugh, because he's so adorable. So we had Dim Sum and then we decided to walk around Prince's Island Park. It was a perfect Autumn day that wasn't to cold, and not too hot. It was nice. We decided to get some buns for snacky but we couldn't find a bakery. It took us a while to find a good bakery and then we bought some buns and headed to the park. It was like being with my best friend. Nothing needed to be said and nothing needed to be done. It was revisiting the past that has never happened and it's one of those times that was really, really peaceful.

It was perfect as we sat by the river taking pictures and just enjoying each others company. I don't think I wanted the moment to end. We talked but mostly we just enjoyed the gift of the day. Later on we headed to get tea and cupcakes at my favourite places in Kensington. It was nice because now I'm drinking my favourite vanilla coconut white tea today.

After our stop in Kensington, we decided to return to his place. Out side of his home is a beautiful little pond. We wanted to have a picnic outside and just enjoy each other. But we found ourselves just enjoying the moment. After that, we took a ride to nose hill and watched the sun set.

It was my perfect day with the man I love.