Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's been a long time

Well here it is, a few weeks before I head back to school. It's been a while since I've written a paper. Wow things have changed so much in life but I guess that's how it's suppose to be. I have finally decided to move on with my life. I've given up on meeting Mr. Right. I suppose he's somewhere saving the world and that's ok. Superheros don't make great boyfriends ;), they make great super heros though.

Fall is coming and I guess you can say it's the begining of something new. All my friends have left to continue their master programs. I'm left finding new friends in the city. Life changes. People move on. It's all about rediscovering who you are and what you can do with your life's worth. Who knows where we will all be in a few years.

Last night I said good bye to a few friends. They are leaving for school in the fall. Two years baby and we'll all see whats going to happens to us. I remember last year around this time I was so heart broken to be working in the hardware store. I wanted so much to be back in school. This is it. After 3 years of finally making the choice to go back here I am. In a few weeks I will be starting school. Nervous as heck!

So time flys by, you learn more about life. You discover more. Things happen. All you can do is grab the bull by the horns and ride it out.

Beat ya,
Meet ya
See ya.
It's all about the drum hits and misses of life.
Love Mae


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