Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

My Photo
Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Five Things


The way it works. Knock the top name off the list below. Add yours to the bottom. I don't know exactly why you do this, but okay....

Rebel Without a Pew
Clever Title Here
Picking at My Brain

Tag five people for this meme...even if they'll never do it?
Ashley (My Daily so called Life)
Dave (quite useless)
Trista (Trista Land)
Jess (Babblings)
Angie (You never told me what your blog is, but I know you've got one.)

And anyone else who hasn't been tagged, but wants to play.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 13. I would have been in grade 9, so I was probably having the worst year of my junior high...come to think of it, only grade 8 didn't suck. So I was a nerdorama.

What were you doing a year ago?
I was on 5th tour with Wycliffe Dinner Theatre. Man I miss tour...snif snif

5 snacks you enjoy
chicken wings
cheese poppers
devilled eggs

5 Songs to which you know all the words
Jesus loves me
It's a small world after all
I love thee Lord
Jesus all for Jesus

5 things I'd do if I were a millionare
Go to school in B.C.
Go on a few more mission trips
Travel to China, Austrailia, South America, London, Paris, Tokoyo
Sponsor a compassion kid
Start an education program for the third world country that deals with battered women who have been forced into prositution, or something like that.

5 bad habits
Fighting with my sister
Being to defensive
Being a worry wart
Not flossing every day!

5 things you enjoy doing
Going on Adventures
Helping others
Singing and dancing

5 things you would not wear again
Very super super bright pink leggings
Ugly looking jeans, pants or skirts
Pink floresent socks
most of the 80's fashions
Did I mention most of the 80's and that includes the new 80's fashions

5 favorite toys
Bobby Bear
Mr. Ping
My computer
My journals
Asian Stationary


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