Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Friday, February 03, 2006

February already???

What can I say except this is February of the year 2006. I am home and I made it almost 5 months at my crummy job. I had a lot of drama in these 5 months and it's okay because it's all working out.

I miss my tour friends a heck of a lot. I miss my normal friends to. I feel that this Valentines day is going to suck once again because I feel alone since all my friends are so where else on this lonely planet.

Shit, I want to go to Relient K concert but I have no one to go with. Crappy when your only friends are your mom and dad and they don't want to see a concert.

This year I will be the dreaded 24 years of age. Next year I was suppose to have it all. Yeah right that is down the drain. I will be starting over in school and yeah well I have no friends boo hoo.

Life's really sucks. Sometimes I dream of being the bad girl just for fun. That would be funny if my co-workers read this cause to them I am a good as well as good as it gets. Prude is my middle name. But seriously I wish I could be the bad girl for once. The kind that all the girls hate but all the guys love....hummm that last about like 5 seconds before my brain kicks in and asks me are you insane?!!

Ok but seriously it sucks because I will be living with my parents because I don't want to move in with my sisters. How lame am I? Can you say loser?

Darn.....I have to go back to loser ville. Well if you can't make fun of yourself and life's situations then who can you make fun of?

So my grandfather is going to kinda let me go to Cambodia...sorta. In a strange sense I am kinda and kinda not allowed to go. I wish things were simpler.

I need a hobby...
Oh well what I really need is to get out of this house once in a while and I don't mean to go to work. I mean I need to mingle and meet people....
Will see.


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