Picking at my Brain

My mind is ticking as the seasons change. Each day brings forth a thought. To whether we are old or young this life is the life you got. This is the mind of Miss Mae.

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Location: Canada

I'm everything you every wanted, and everything you'll ever need. I want to live an extraordinary life so that when I die, others have benefited because I lived.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Is it me, or can this be a dream.
A reflection of me.
Unknown, lost to some degree.
A broken heart for you to come rescue me.
Falling down, broken knee.
What you have is what you see.
Is the image reflected a true reflection of me?

Why do I keep searching for something I already have?
What am I looking for, something beyond bad.
Is my heart tied up for you to fill the void.
Or am I looking for something to destroy?

Is the emptiness really me or am I just waiting for a dream.


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